Category: Ayurvedic Medicine


Glaubst Du an die Weisheit der Vergangenheit, die die Zukunft formen kann? Vor Jahrtausenden haben indische Weise die Lebenswege unzähliger Menschen in Palmblättern festgehalten. Diese kostbaren Manuskripte lagern heute in Tempelbibliotheken im Herzen Südindiens.

Vielleicht wartet auch dein Palmblatt darauf von Dir gefunden zu werden. Wenn Dich deine Intuition ruft, dann ist der richtige Moment gekommen und wir helfen dir von Herzen gerne dabei dein Palmblatt zu finden und lesen zu lassen….“

Wissenschaft3000 ~ science3000

Gebe diese Empfehlung mit Vorbehalt weiter, da ich den Vortrag noch nicht gehört habe!


An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel

Veröffentlicht am 02.12.2012

Miko Peled was born in Jersusalem into a famous and influential Israeli Zionist family. His father was a famous General in the Israeli Army, of which Miko also served his time. When Miko’s niece was killed by Palestinian suicide bombers, you may have expected the family to put Palestinians at fault, but surprisingly they blamed the state of Israel, and their violent torturing and persecution for driving people to such sadness that they would take their own lives.

Through his father’s deep knowledge of the Israeli war of terror, together with his own research, Miko Peled ruins the myths surrounding the Israel and Palestine situation, and delivers a truth so damning that many Jews and Israel supporters will not be able to…

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Networking Essentials

Length Icon Length: 70 hours

Cost Icon Cost: Free*

Level Icon Level: Intermediate

Learning type iconLearning Type: Instructor-led, Online self-paced

Language icon Languages: English, العربية‫, 中文(简体), Français, Deutsch, 日本語, Português – Brasileiro, Pусский, Español

*Self-paced classes at are free. Cost for Instructor-led classes is determined by the institution

Learn basic networking concepts and skills you can put to use right away, no previous networking knowledge needed.

By Cisco Networking Academy

Enhance Your Skillset, Whatever Path You Take

Networking is at the heart of the digital transformation. The network is essential to many business functions today, including business critical data and operations, cybersecurity, and so much more. A wide variety of career paths rely on the network — so it’s important to understand what the network can do, how it operates, and how to protect it.

You’ll learn these core skills:

Plan and install a home or small business network using wireless technology, then connect it to the Internet.

Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills using Cisco Packet Tracer.

Practice verifying and troubleshooting network and Internet connectivity

Recognize and mitigate security threats to a home network.

Networking figure

This is a great course for developers, data scientists, cybersecurity specialists, and other professionals looking to broaden their networking domain knowledge. It’s also an excellent launching point for students pursuing a wide range of career pathways – from cybersecurity to software development to business and more. A Networking Academy digital badge is available for the instructor-led version of this course. No prerequisites required.

Photo courtesy of World Rainforest Movement The Coronavirus is enabling a mass increase in logging globally, as criminal groups and illegal loggers take advantage of the disruptions associated with the pandemic. In the month of March, more than… Read More

via Earth Minute: Illegal Logging & Genocide During COVID-19 — Global Justice Ecology Project

Celtic writer Jen Delyth writes further of the goddess Anu, also known as Danu and Aine: “An ancient figure, venerated under many names, she is known as the womb of life. She is the spark and vitality of life. She is the seed of the sun in our veins. The Great Earth Mother is … the Mother whose breasts are the hills known as the “Paps of Anu” in Ireland. Her hair is the wild waves, the golden corn. Her eyes are the shining stars, her belly the round tors or earth barrows from which we are born. Like the cat, the sow, the owl, she eats her young if they are sick or dying. She is the cycle of life, the turning of the seasons.”

via Seeking the Lost Mother — sophiawakens

Max Igan: Coronavirus – the „common cold“ weaponized & propagandized for NWO control & reset



„What is the ‚Silver Cord‘? How is it attracted to our bodies? How is it related to the soul and consciousness of man? What occurs at death with the ‚Silver Cord‘? And why does the Order recommend between 3 to 7 days to elapse before burial or cremation? This program was presented more than 40 years ago, by The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, as part of its public awareness program.“

[…]Jahrelang setzte die Uhrenindustrie radioaktives Radium ein. Nun werden von Rückständen belastete Gebäude saniert.

Seit 1963 verboten

Zwischen 1920 und 1960 wurde Radium in der Uhrenindustrie eingesetzt, um bei Uhren Zeiger und Ziffern zum Leuchten zu bringen. Ab 1963 wurde die Verwendung von Radium verboten. Die grossen Uhrenfabriken wurden damals untersucht und saniert.

Das Problem: Viele Arbeiten mit dem radioaktiven Stoff wurden bei Arbeiterinnen zuhause verrichtet in sogenannten Heimwerkstätten, die damals nicht untersucht wurden. […]



Alchemically Braindamaged

apotheosis as a lifestyle option

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Vom Start - bis zum ersten Honig

100 Canciones

Musica callejera


Norwegian quality since 1872

Leaf to Life - Diary

An educational newsletter on Naturopathic Phytotherapy, by Medical Herbalist Sebastian Liew.

Global Justice Ecology Project

Global Justice Ecology Project (GJEP) explores and exposes the intertwined root causes of social injustice, ecological destruction, and economic domination. is the best place for your personal blog or business site.